Why to Choose English Willow Cricket Bats?

When time comes to choose English willow cricket bats we have many questions kept in mind to choosing English willow cricket bats. There are so many reasons for choosing English willow cricket bat instead of Kashmir willow or any other willow bats. As we all k now willow bats are of many types like English willow, Kashmir willow, and popular willow and so on... But every player’s first choice is English willow cricket bats. In this article we will tell you about why to choose English willow cricket bats.
Reason for Choosing English Willow Cricket Bats
Generally, professional players preferred English willow bats although Kashmir willow bats are also famous for its quality and durability but English willow bats are very much lighter, softer and have great grains quality than the Kashmir willow bats that’s why it is preferred by most of the toppers and experienced batsman around over the world. However English willow bats are expensive as compare to Kashmir willow bats.
English willow bats are specially recommended for playing with hard cricket ball. Before you start using the cricket bat, it requires knocking in and oiling. Knocking in is the process of striking the surface (face of the bat) with the old cricket ball. This will reduce the risk of bat snapping. The bat’s face need to be oiled with raw linseed oil before play to keep the bat’s surface tacky. It also acts as the protection layer on the wood and gives the better control of the shot to the batman.

·         English Willow Cricket is known by its grades these comes from Grade 1 to Grade 5 where Grade 1 is top no. bat which is mainly used by professional cricket players.
·         English Willow Cricket Bats are developed with finest wood which is very helpful to delivers superb performance on the field.
·         English Willow cricket bats always are the first choice of every professional player who is playing from a long time.
·         The structure and the quality of grains of the bat are very sharp and clear.
·         English Willow cricket bats are soft because they grow slowly in cold climate.
·         English Willow Bats blade is very thin due to which when player play a shot then the ball moves very faster.
So, we always suggest English willow cricket bats to the player who confused about the willow of the bats. This article will helps you to know about English willow cricket bats which makes easy to buy original English willow cricket bats.

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